bath time, dung! |
Monday, April 30, 2007 |
Dung2… Kamu tuh bau! Khan enak udah dimandiin pake shampoo lifebuoy.
xixixi. |
posted by ten @ 30.4.07 |
Stand over the joy |
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 |
I don’t know how the hell I should finish all of the movies. Well exactly, I don’t have enough time to watch them all. Hehehe. ____________________________________________ i need another storage for my almost 1000 dvd *sigh* i need a new home for them. Labels: daily story |
posted by ten @ 17.4.07 |
Special dedicated to my silly friend |
Jumat, 13.04.07; 15.20pmE: eh nyet, dimana loe? G: dirumah, napa? E: elo koq ngga latihan kemaren? G: motor gw jual, gw ngga bisa kesana lah… E: bukannya nebeng ma sapa keq. G: ma sapa? Secara rumah gw jauh kale. Lagian gw kudu nuker dollar. E: huh. Trus elo jadi berangkat tgl 16? G: jadi lah, ke singapore pagi2, ke amrik nya besokannya. E: ohhh… G: Kenapa ka? Kangen ya ma gw? E: geer loeh nyet! Yo wis, hati2 dijalan yach. Takut2 gw lupa ngucapin besok2. G: ok, thx ka.
Sekelumit pembicaraan lewat telpon di jumat sore antara teman sehobi. Sebenernya iya sih, pasti gw bakal kangen ma celotehannya. Siapa lagi yg selalu menambah vocabulary kata2 kotor kalo ngga dari dia. Seperti contoh dibawah ini:
“ka, gw punya temen pokoke tipe 21 bgt dah!” “maksud elo minim gitu tampangnya?” “ngga bego, maksud gw, tipe 21 = tipe 2 tangan satu toket” “huah?”
“ka, kadang2 cewek itu munafik ya?” “masa? Kenapa?” “waktu gw lagi ngewe di kost an cewek itu, gw sengaja intercourse, khan lbh enak tuh. Trus dia bilang ‘mas, koq dimasukin sih?’ trus gw blg ‘ya udah, gw cabut nih? Dan dia bilang apa ka? ‘jangan’ [nada mendesah] “ Wekkk…
“ka, ikut gw yuk sabtu bsk” “kemana?” “mak irit!” “koq mak irit? Siapa tuch?” “Kalo make erot khan buat gedein, gw mo ngecilin” “Najis loeh!”
Itu beberapa contoh dari jutaan celotehan kotornya tiap hari rabu pada saat kami latihan basket bareng. Sekarang doi mencari sepriuk berlian di negeri paman sam. Sebenarnya yg aku salut dari dirinya adalah dia ngga pernah merasa sombong akan ketenaran kakak ceweknya. He’ just an ordinary person, a man behind his motorcycle with an extraordinary behaviors. That’s why I like him so much. Here are some pic of him.
He’s NUTS! Believe me! Hahaha.
Pagi ini aku menerima email dari dia.
Hahaha… well, friend. Take care out there ok! Jangan macem2! inget loe ma bini! hehehe. Labels: daily story |
posted by ten @ 16.4.07 |
My New Kitty |
Thursday, April 12, 2007 |
- Get Your Own
guys...meet my new kitty. her name is betty.isn't she gorgeous?__________________________________________________just an adorable kitty to hug in! cutie!Labels: daily story |
posted by ten @ 12.4.07 |
what would I b? |
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 |
Aku memandangi computer tiada henti, ingin rasanya menumpahkan sesuatu disana. Hari ini kebetulan aku ngga masuk kerja, tadi pagi kepala rasanya mo pecah, migren berat, ngga bisa bangun dari tempat tidur. Mungkin gara2 kemarin aku hanya makan apel seharian [rencananya sih mo detox], tadi malam aku langsung tidur supaya tidak tergoda untuk makan. Alhasil, semangkuk bubur ayam dan obat tersedia diatas tempat tidur tadi pagi. Yahhh… pending lagi dech detoxnya!
Kenapa ya? Semakin lama semakin susah untuk diet ataupun detox? Apa karena factor usia juga? Padahal dulu aku termasuk orang yang paling gampang diet, mau ngga makan 5 hari berturut turut, hayuuu… Mau ikut puasa senin kamis hayuuu… Sekarang? Rasanya berat banget, baru puasa 1 hari Cuma makan apel ajah langsung migren berat.
Sebenarnya ada yg aku pikirkan semenjak kemarin disaat aku mendengarkan siaran radio di kantor. Seseorang pakar berkata “semua orang harus bisa memprediksi dirinya di lima tahun mendatang” Saat aku mendengarnya aku langsung berkata “gezz, how would I know?”
5 tahun? Hmm… I’ll be 34 by then. Kalau hanya berandai2, tentu saja aku ingin diumurku itu aku bekerja di perusahaan minyak terkemuka, menikah dan sudah mempunyai 2 anak. Tapi kembali lagi, tidak semua harapan bisa terpenuhi bukan? I’ll never know…
Kalau ditelaah maksud si pakar itu mungkin adalah semua orang harus punya tujuan dalam hidup dan selama 5 tahun itu kita harus berusaha agar tujuan itu terpenuhi. Yeah, yeah… like I know…
Aku merasa dari semula aku sudah merencanakan hidupku dengan matang. I said “I’ll graduate from college when I’m 23” BINGO! one down… Then… “I’ll be working in a foreign company after I graduate” BINGO! two down… “I’ll be married when I’m 25” Almost BINGO! no one is going down! It’s just something happened. I just get over it and I said “OK, I’ll be married before 30” Hahaha… talk to the hand pal, look at you, your 29 and all you think about is a book called “lies at the altar”.
Well well, Semua orang tidak dilahirkan sama bukan? I wish I can say, aku pasti menikah disaat usiaku 25 tahun dan aku pasti langsung mempunyai anak. But NO. It was just not happening as the way we thought.
Seorang teman pernah mengatakan sesuatu kepadaku. “Erika, I’ve planned my life well, I planned to merry before 30 and have kids after” And BINGO! She made it. salute!
Dan aku hanya berfikir, jalan kita berbeda and coincidently I’m still walking around in the circle of hell. [kayanya kalau semua ini berakhir, aku pasti selametan dech!] hehe.
Well, My bottom line is
Que sera sera,
What ever will be will be… The future is not ours to see… Que sera sera…
Labels: what's on my mind |
posted by ten @ 11.4.07 |
What I've done - welcome back LP!!! |
Monday, April 09, 2007 |
==============================================================what can I say after I saw the video??? Poverty, war and hunger are the biggest issues in our world. What can u do? Forget what you’ve done? Erase your self?Labels: music |
posted by ten @ 9.4.07 |
The end of IDOL? |
Thursday, April 05, 2007 |
“Please vote for Sanjaya” It can’t be any clearer; Eric the Midget definitely said it, without any prompting over and over, I watch through E entertainment and I felt so shocked. I don’t know who the hell is Eric the midget. But then I search over the net, he got his own movie in state and he’s definitely short [if u see what I mean]
American Idol, This reality show really brings young and extraordinary singers, not like an Indonesian pathetic idol who always won cause of the viewer’s sympathy. And it happens with American idol now.
It’s great I’m watching last night, I exactly fell asleep and woke up at 1 in the morning and not hoping that ‘motherf**ker’ won. It’s like a president election; I can’t go to sleep until I know. Haha… Some people are saying that American idol likes it because they felt the season will be very lame and now this is what happens, everybody’s tuning in and they getting high record numbers. Especially what happens nowadays, Howard Stern the former host for his own show is trying to taking down the American idol by joke. He makes the website called VFTW and he really trying to ruin the American idol movement. I saw the news on E entertainment and I found the recap in you tube. Check it out!
Most of all, gwen stefani looks HOT last night, she is smokin’ but I think she probably lip sinking. She was performing with Akon who always say ‘ye-ho’ all the time, but I like that geek.
Well, what can we say? It’s the no 1 reality show in USA. Just hope that ‘motherfu*ker’ will go away… Labels: music |
posted by ten @ 5.4.07 |
congratulation! |
Tuesday, April 03, 2007 |
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * *
congratulation to me!!!
Labels: special occation |
posted by ten @ 3.4.07 |
Do it to it |
Searching… Observe… Staring…
That’s exactly what I’m doing in the past 4 days. I flaunted to be ‘the coding breaker’, create my blogger with my own design. Trying to doing an experiment for extraordinary performance BUT it comes up with an E-X-H-A-L-E.
It started from last week. I come up with a strong will to change my blog’s layout. Then I started to open a free template site and I found lots of layout. THAT’S IT! I’m so happy when I found 3 column layout for my new design, I grab the code and copy it to my blogger.
First thing first! Change the header. Look into the code, yes, found it! I’ve finished with the header. YES! I admit it, it’s damn GOOD! I took piece into piece of the pictures that I browse from the net and KAZAMMM!!!! A nice masterpiece! [I like the cat part – even though my friend suggests me to change it into a sheep, YELLOWWWWW… I’m an ariens, not a sheep lover!]
Second, COLOR! I like red, and black will be a perfect color to describe how mysterious I am. #d80000 [yes!] #c20222 [nop!] #96011a [nop!]
TOO DARK! I need sumthin’ lighter… Orange? #e0a312 #fbc544
NO NO NO !!!!! don’t match at all!
I thought it’s so easy to change colors. But it’s damn hard!!!! OK, pending…
Well2, I have this kinda thought that I can put an image into the post body. OK, search2… Observe… Staring… Confused…
Klak klik the keyboard. Put an experiment coding, Kazaaaammmm!!!! ERROR!
OK. That’s it! I have to call one of my friends.
[Kring, kring…]
E: heloow.. I : Hei! How’re u! E: not good, ok, lets cut the crap, I wanna ask u sumthin’. I : Ok, what is it? E: How do I put an image in the posting body? I : in a blogger? E: yup. I : Ok, listen carefully. Body background-color: #000000 then you change it into [imgscr:] $#%#^%&R^&^%&)*^&^%^$%%%&%%%&*)&^*^*&*^*&** the you closed it with %^$$#&ok? Do you follow? E: [cockeyed] OK! BYE!
OK, plan B! Find in the net. Infokomputer.com, here it is. HTML and CSS coding. Search… They don’t mention about an image in the posting body. Dang it!
Ok. I’m off for a lil’ while… I’ll b back to ‘the coding scramble’ just in moment. [Sigh…]
It’s a lot harder than I ever imagine…
Labels: curhat |
posted by ten @ 3.4.07 |
o mně |
Name: ten
Home: rainy-city, Java, Indonesia
About Me: obyčejná žena s vyjímečným chováním
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