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Other things

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Shocking part
Monday, June 25, 2007

MN: ‘Erika, Cie, Shanti… meeting skrg ya…’
Me: [hmm… meeting hari senen pagi? Koq tumben ya?]

[masuk ke ruang meeting, ternyata semua dipanggil]

Bozz: Ok, to the point aja ya. Saya mengundurkan diri dari perusahaan bla, bla, bla…

All: [tertegun]

Sedikit gambaran peristiwa tadi pagi yang bikin kita semua tertegun.
Memang sudah sedikit terprediksi sich, tapi ngga nyangka bakal secepat ini.


We’re going to start all over from the beginning.


posted by ten @ 25.6.07   0 comments
-got bugged out-
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Anxiously bug out.
I just can believe my eyes that the movie got me in shocked.

By the way,
It’s called,
NOTES OF A SCANDAL [January 2007]
Release in Canada.


Judi Dench as Barbara
Cate Blanchett as Sheba

The story is about loneliness, loyalty, envy and love.
Or should I say, it’s about the strength impact of loneliness.

Do you believe in a true friendship? Cause this is all about it.
'Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re gonna get' -that’s what forrest gum’s mom said.
But I think life is in a wheel of fortune, once you get lucky but sometimes you get nothing.

This movie shows that Barbara [Judi Dench] is confronted with the loneliness, she misinterpretation with the true meaning of friendship. She thinks that a friend in need is a friend in [deeply] deed.
She doesn’t want to be the second person in her friend’s life [sheba-Cate Blancett] that makes her into ‘mentally psychotic’.
She’ll do anything to keep her friend out of the real world; she just wants a room for two in this whole big world, her and her lovely friend.

Surprisingly, it happened to me.
I was felt so lonely when my friends gradually left me to step into the new phase. It noticeably shows a big hole in my life. There’re not there for you anymore, they’re too busy to domesticate of true friendship.
Wheels do rolls…

I realize,
I got figures,

Wheels do rolls in different platform.
There’re phases that I have to urbanized the word ‘friendship’ it self.


Just watch the movie… you won’t regret.

just a lil' thought about the contradiction of having a relation with younger partner [or should i say, too young to deal with?] GOSH! but i like it! ;p

Sitting here in my cubicle, savor around the loneliness, drawn into the scene and faintly heard the clunk of an ordinary crowd.
There’s nothing wrong to sheer off a lil’ bit. As a matter in fact, I really enjoyed it.

The closer you go the pain you get.
I realize and I learn.


posted by ten @ 19.6.07   0 comments
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Satu kata yg pas untuk menggambarkan situasi saat ini.
Suddenly beberapa orang melakukan aksi ‘penekukan dahi’ terhadap sesuatu yg aku lakukan. I admit that I’m wrong, but don’t bring it personal will ya? Apalagi mengajak orang untuk ikut2an melakukan aksi tersebut.

Lucu ya?

Terus terang, males banget berada di atmosfer ini, dimana atmosfer pertemanan ‘ternodai’ hanya karena satu masalah yg tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan individu yg tidak terkait.


C’mon, like I only have you as friends? [you gotta b kidding me]

I rather get my self calm in the corner of my cubicle, listen to the music that I like and just enjoy my life…
I will get these things over, I promise.
Meanwhile, just pretend that I’m away, coz you just got strike off from my list.
Uppss, I mean it this time…
You’ll see the real ERIKA, enjoy…
posted by ten @ 14.6.07   2 comments
The Finals
Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sok Pasti Seru!!!

I’m talking about the
FINALS of NBA, San Antonio Spurs will be facing the Cavaliers and yes, we’re talking about the big famous LE BROWN JAMES here.

Takut? Sedikit sich, soalnya game 1 dan 2 di kandang cav.
Tapi pertandingannya pasti seru buanget, cant hardly wait to see
my boyfriend against Le Brown.

Kalau disuruh memilih, aku pasti pilih
Itu karena memang dari dulu aku nge-fans berat ama
Cowok bernomor punggung 21 itu.

Here are the schedules:



posted by ten @ 5.6.07   0 comments
Monday, June 04, 2007
It’s got to b me.
Bukan bermaksud bangga, tapi The ariens memang memiliki kecenderungan mempunyai sifat ini sejak ia lahir ke dunia.
Sejalan dengan waktu, akan banyak perubahan2 yg sedikit signifikan yg terjadi pada setiap individu. Saat ini aku sudah mulai bisa menerima perbedaan orang, bahwa setiap individu mempunyai ciri tersendiri walau aku kadang masih sedikit mencibir.

Kadar penerimaan setiap individu pun berbeda, but for me, it’s all about take and give atau bisa dibilang win win solution walau kadarnya tidak harus 50-50. Tapi bagaimana kalau kita harus menghadapi individu yg dalam bahasa sunda itu “keukeuh marekeuh” atau bisa dibilang super keras kepala!
Setiap permintaannya harus dipenuhi, kalau tidak dipenuhi, dia akan bertindak seperti layaknya anak kecil.
Kalau itu terjadi pada anak usia belasan, buatku masih wajar. Tapi bagaimana kalau itu terjadi pada individu usia 30 – 60 tahun???
Buatku? SILLY!!!!! Ngapain aja selama hidup 30 – 60 tahun itu? Apa selama hidupnya ia tidak belajar tentang individu yg lain di lingkungannya?

Sebagai contoh saja,
Dulu aku pernah menjalin hubungan dengan seorang laki2. Buatku dia sangat super duper keras kepala. Apapun yg diingininya harus dikabulkan, ajaibnya orang tuanya juga mendukung [fyi: dia anak tunggal].
Suatu ketika, aku bertengkar hebat karena EX ku itu menginginkan aku untuk meninggalkan suatu hobby yg sangat kusuka. Spontan aku menolak keinginannya, pertengkaran hebat pun tak terelakan. Berhari2 kita bergulat dengan kata2, ego dan emosi; akhirnya orang tuanya pun turun tangan. Bukan untuk meredakan pertengkaran diantara kita, tapi meminta aku untuk mengalah. WHATTTT???? Not even have a win win solution?
[sigh.] Enough is enough…

Kembali lagi ke topic yg tadi.
Kadang aku masih terheran2 dengan individu yg seperti itu. Mbok ya punya sedikit “tepo Seliro”. Di dunia ini khan bukan kita saja yg hidup, ada jutaan karakter, learning by doing bisa diterapkan khan dalam kehidupan social setiap individu?


Saat belajar menerima terhadap sesuatu itu dilakukan dalam diri, pembelajaran hidup pun akan dimulai.

posted by ten @ 4.6.07   0 comments
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