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a great expectation
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Finally, the package has sent.
And all I do is…

Waiting for a lil’ miracle.

Wish us luck guys…


posted by ten @ 28.3.07   0 comments
my lovely husky b'day
Thursday, March 22, 2007
March 21st 2007.

Moment of truth.

Pagi2 aku sudah berkelit dengan bawaan yg berjibun. Dari tas basket, sepatu basket, kue buah, kue black forest 20bh dan goody bag 20bh.
Untung punya pacar, hehehe.
Jadi lebih ringan dech beban ku.

Sesampai dikantor, ucapan demi ucapan berdatangan. Dari teman kantor, teman basket, teman sma, sampai teman yg ngga diharapkan juga ikut memberi selamat.

Btw: thanks all.

Seperti biasa, ucapan di iringi dengan doa diantaranya: cepet kawin, cepet dpt jodoh, banyak rejeki, cepet kurus, dll.

Aniwei: thanks juga, doa itu berarti koq buat ku [walau general. Hehe]

Foto2 ini diambil setelah makan siang di kantor. Sehabis makan siang, dikeluarkanlah kue buah buatan MAMA.


Tepat jam 2.40 siang. Metty menelpon,

M: “mbak, ada harvest dateng...”
E: “ hah?”

Aku bergegas menuju reception dan menemukan sebuah kue cantik teronggok di meja reception.
Langsung saja ku baca pengirimnya dan ternyata dari anak2 kalimantan.

Uhhhh… jadi terharu…
Makasih guys…

Setelah pulang kantor, aku bergegas ke lapangan basket. My beib udah dateng untuk membantu dengan bawaan2ku.

Setalah sampai sana, kami latihan dan setelah latihan aku membagikan kue black forest kecil2 itu kepada anak2 basket.

Dan alhasil…

Kena banjur… alias di guyur…

Basah dech.
Mau ngga mau mandi sekalian cuci rambut.
Masih jaman ya diguyur?

But lets see the bottom line of my story…

They love me!
I like their attention!

Thanks guys for putting me in a lil’
piece of your heart. love u all!

what a lovely b'day. late twenties? no problemo.


posted by ten @ 22.3.07   1 comments
us, try in da game!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

wish us luck!


posted by ten @ 20.3.07   1 comments
the holiday
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

‘If you’re melody, I only used the good tones’

Hmm… sounds romantic, who would a thought that was coming from an ordinary Jack black.

You got to see the movies,

The Holiday.

[My lovely] Judd Law, Cameron Diaz, Jack Black, Kate Winslet.
A must see movie!

Happy watching!


posted by ten @ 13.3.07   0 comments
a little girl named ribbon
Monday, March 12, 2007
This story is about a little girl who travels alone with her plane.

Meet her.
Her name is ribbon.

She likes to travel.
She likes flower.
She likes wild animals.
She likes tree.

She’s afraid of jungle.

She sings along the way.

“I’m really grateful for what I have today”
“I have my own plane, my own pet; I got everything that I need, I don’t need a house, my plane is my home” she said.


Her plane hits a big tree.
She can’t control it. There’re 2 options. Jump out or die.

Finally she jumps out.

Her body full of bloods, she feels so painful.
Then she realizes that she strands in the jungle, her body is shacking.
“I need a shelter, I need to treat my wound” she said.

She walks along the jungle, a fox came to her and say,

“Dear human, what you’re up to?”
“I need to find a shelter, I’m afraid of jungle.” She said.
“Why do you afraid of jungle, dear?” the fox ask.
“Coz I don’t know what’s in it, what would I be if I stay in here?” she answered.

The fox is smiling and say,
“Dear Human, how do you afraid of jungle if you haven’t try to live in?”
“Ok, I’ll give you options. There’re shelters near here.”

“First shelter is in the east of the jungle. There is an old couple who lived there for years. They’ll allow you to stay as long as you do what they told you to.”
“But remember, you’re still in the jungle”

“Second shelter is in the west of the jungle. There’s a man who lived there. He’ll allow you to stay as long as you want to be his life partner.”
“And remember, you’re still in the jungle.”

“Third shelter is in the north of the jungle. There’s no one who lived there, but you can use the radio to ask for a rescue.”

Ribbon is confused.
She doesn’t know what to do.
and she says,

“If I choose the first shelter, I’ll have a new parent, I’ll find lots of flower, animals and trees, but I still live in the jungle.”

“If I choose the second shelter, I’ll have a life partner, I’ll find lots of flower, animals and trees. But I don’t know what he’s like. He might be nice, but what if he’s not a good life partner? And the worst thing, I still live in the jungle”

“If I choose the third shelter, I’ll come back to where I belong, but I have to search for a new plane, flowers, trees and animals and I don’t know how to get it all in a short time.”

The fox is smiling.
“It’s your choices to make, dear. Whether you want to stay or leave.”
“Just remember something. You won’t know something until you tried it.”

She stood up and says,
“What am I going to do?”

comments: i wish ribbon doesn't have to strands in the jungle. if she can turn back the time, i'll tell her not to travel around the jungle. hehe.


posted by ten @ 12.3.07   4 comments
khayalan tingkat tinggi
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Pendaftaran amazing race asia season 2 akhirnya dibuka juga.
Kucermati baik2 tv 14 inch ku, wah, aku harus mencari partner in crime neeh.
Kuambil secarik kertas, kubuat list nama2 yg capable buat jadi partnerku nanti.

Adam [pacar] – hmm, coba alternative lain dulu kali ya?
Nicolejago baca peta, ngga bisa berenang, ngga bisa nyetir, takut bgt ama ketinggian, doyan makan, suka anjing [masuk criteria ngga ya? Hehe].
PianEndut, gampang ngos2an, cepet laper [kayanya ngga d, drpd ntar duit simpenan abis buat makan?]
Hendra stamina oke, jago berenang dan basket, bisa nyetir, NO fear, punya istri [ngga kali ye, drpd gw diremez ntar ma istrinya]
Suratmanstamina oke, jago basket, lari kenceng tapi takut kl ke dufan [ngga juga kali ye]
Putrikurus [bisa lari pastinya!], ngga bisa nyetir, ngga bs berenang, ngga takut ketinggian, doyan laki2, doyan makan, doyan bawa backpack. [kayanya ini yg gw cari, berenang ma nyetir bisa belajar scr instant lahhh..]

OK. I made up my mind!
Gw pilih putri to be my partner in crime.

what? Pendaftarannya ditutup 30 maret? I gotta hurry!


Terbayang olehku, aku masuk menjadi finalis amazing race asia season 2.
Berkeliling ke benua asia dan Australia, melihat lautan laki2 with different culture there and try all kind of food, WOW, can’t hardly wait!

Setelah melewati 40 hari pertarungan antara para finalis, akhirnya kita menjadi pemenang amazing race asia, dapet uang cash USD 100.000, bagi2 lah ya, sekitar 1 milyar, seorang dapet 500jt – so pasti keluar dr kantor donk? Hehe.

We’re become so famous. Kemanapun kita pergi, orang2 disekeliling kita kerap kali meminta tanda tangan maupun berfoto.
Dengan uang 500jt itu aku akan bangun rumah impian sekitar 300jt [daerahnya sich pasti masih di ciomas city!], 200jtnya beli mobil dan hura2.
Setelah uang habis dibelanjakan, sedikit kere, still famous, jobless, saatnya cari pekerjaan yg menantang.

Pergi ke kantor CHEVRON kali ya?
Dengan modal ‘lumayan famous’, kucoba melamar disana. Sukur2 dapet posisi manager ato supervisor yg gajinya 8 digit. Eh kebetulan diinterview ama orang yg fans berat amazing race asia.
“no doubt, Erika. YOU'RE HIRE!”

Tiba2 salah seorang sutradara atau produser terkenal meminta untuk main film?
Ngga masalah… bisa koq. Ngga perlu belajar acting, tiap hari gw selalu berakting. Hehe…

Become an artist? Bolehlah…
Bermain di film romantis bersama jude law,
Bermain di film laga bersama vin diesel,
Ato bermain horror bersama wes craven, bring it on d!
[asal jgn maen film bokep ajah ya? – gengbenk bow… hehe]

Hmm, can’t hardly wait to reach all my dreams.

wah, aku harus mengirimkan formulir ini dan video secepatnya.

I know…

It’s a long way to go!
Tapi ngga ada salahnya kalau berkhayal sejenak bukan?

Doain ya? Mudah2an lancar ampe akhir.
Kalo ngga terwujud, kita ngga bakal kecewa koq, coz our dreams has fulfill our mind in a big
[ngutip kata putri]


posted by ten @ 7.3.07   1 comments
lengkap sudah
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
FS -blocked----> so so lah
Tagged -blocked----> yo wes…
Yahoo mail -blocked----> waduh, hrs pny cadangan email lain neeh.
Hotmail -blocked----> wah, pake email apa lg neeh?
YM -blocked----> F*ck! Ini yg gw ngga suka…

setiap buka web yg lucu, keluarnya...

Lengkap sudah…

Under pressure,
No social life…

Apa lagi yg kurang??? Feel free to fill the blank!

[Gw pinjem dr shanti neeh]


posted by ten @ 6.3.07   1 comments
special kinda way
Friday, March 02, 2007
Orang dulu bilang,

“jangan berdiri di depan pintu, nanti jauh jodoh”
The truth is:
“jangan berdiri di depan pintu, coz u blocked the way”

“Kalo mau pinter, buku catatan dibakar trus abunya dikasih air dan diminum.
Dijamin ngelotok!”


Kl orang ceko bilang,
“existuje ještĕ jeden zaručenej recept, aby se k tobĕ ženská vrátila. Ustřihnes ji vlasy, svařiš je v mlice, pak usušiš a spáliš s jablečnŷm listim a cely to rozfoukás v mistech, kde jste se seznámili”

Yang artinya,

Ada cara untuk menjamin mantanmu balik kembali, potong rambutnya dan rebus dengan susu putih dan diamkan sampai mengering lalu bakar bersama daun apple lalu ambil abunya dan taburkan di tempat pertama kali kalian bertemu."

Lebih beradab sih, dari pada abunya diminum? Lebih aneh lagi!

Selalu ada cara special untuk melakukan sesuatu.
You named it, you play it!


posted by ten @ 2.3.07   0 comments
free your mind
Thursday, March 01, 2007

[Sweet revenge.]

Just exactly what I wanna do rite now.
But not 100% from me, but I have a small part of it to make it even sweeter.
Just wait and see, man! What you give is what you got!

I’m just sitting here and wait for the miracle happen.

And when it happens,

Just free your mind.

Free your soul.

Free your ASS!



posted by ten @ 1.3.07   0 comments
o mně

Name: ten
Home: rainy-city, Java, Indonesia
About Me: obyčejná žena s vyjímečným chováním
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