The 'G' word |
Friday, April 28, 2006 |
Ini pengalaman kerja yg paling lucu sepanjang sejarah gw. berawal dari deringan internal telpon, keluarlah cerita dr seorg MD ini. bbrp hari lalu, gw ada kesepakatan dan meminta supaya pihak pengelola gedung untuk menurunkan lighting2 counter gw yg masih ada di lantai yg dulu kita tempati. Dengan dalih sibuk, gw di pingpong ma pihak pengelola, selama 5 hari counter gw ngga bisa mengoprasikan cash machine dan telepon. akhirnya setelah bocoran dari kolega2, tercetuslah kl mereka tdk akan jalan tanpa 'GELD'. Dengan berat hati gw mengeluarkan bbrp lembar 'G' word ini. Setelah terdengar kata sepakat dari pihak spg dan pihak pengelola, tercetuslah 'x ribu rupiah'. Selang 30 mnt, spg gw bilang sesuatu yg bikin gw mikirrrrrrrr bgt. Dia blg kl ada perebutan proyek antara bos dan anak buah pihak pengelola. alhasil si bos minta bagian.. (wat a lamme!!) Dengan sdkt rasa 'ingin nampar', gw terima aja begitu si bos menyebutkan 'x ribu plus2'. Sudahlah, dari pada pusing. keluarlah x ribu plus2 itu dan mengalirlah listrik di counter gw. Pembayaran dilakukan 2 tahap. sebelum pengerjaan dan sesudahnya. Skrg pekerjaannya belom 100% beres, listrik beres tapi lampunya belom diturunin, tapi dia minta duitnya 100%. trus spg gw bilang sesuai amanah, untuk tdk memberikan sisanya apabila belom beres pekerjaannya. alhasil..................................... TELEPONNYA MATI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (dendam nich yee ceritanya, lanjutannya dipikirkan masing2 ya? gw juga mumet.... gimana ya ngadepin orang2 kayak gene???????) |
posted by ten @ 28.4.06 |
Bertanduk, bukan berarti nyeruduk! |
Ceritanya lagi ke Pasaraya Blok M, ngurusin pindahan counter yg nge-BT-in. ketemu dech ama ni tanduk, lgsg jatuh cinta secara cuma 10rb an. secara spontan gw pake dr lift gedung ampe kantor gw. (sdkt gila ya?) Tapi lutu khannnnnn?????? |
posted by ten @ 28.4.06 |
My Favorite day is TODAY! |
Wednesday, April 19, 2006 |
posted by ten @ 19.4.06 |
iNSomNiA |
Tuesday, April 18, 2006 |
Tidur setidaknya 7 jam salam satu hari itu sepertinya tidak berlaku buat gw. Dalam sehari gw hanya tidur 2-3 jam saja. apa gw kena insomnia yaa?
Gw udah coba tidur jam 10, alhasil jam 11 bangun dan melek abiz. kayanya jam 1 ato jam 2 itu jam biologis gw buat tidur. sekarang gw jadi nguantukkk terus dikantor... padahal kerjaan gw lagi manis2nya. insomnia, hmm, wat r u eniwei !!!! SLEEPy... |
posted by ten @ 18.4.06 |
The 'MUST SEE' movie |
Monday, April 17, 2006 |
Cast Ben Kingsley, Barney Clark, Jamie Foreman, Harry Eden, Leanne Rowe, Lewis Chase, Jeremy Swift, Frances Cuka, Jake Curran, Chris Overton
Director Roman Polanski
Producer Timothy Burrill, Petr Moravec, Alain Sarde, Robert Benmussa, Roman Polanski
Writer Ronald Harwood, Charles Dickens
Abandoned at an early age, Oliver Twist is forced to live in a workhouse lorded over by the awful Mr. Bumble, who cheats the boys of their meager rations. Desperate yet determined, Oliver makes his escape to the streets of London. Penniless and alone, he is lured into a world of crime by the sinister Fagin -- the mastermind of a gang of pint-sized pickpockets. Oliver's rescue by the kindly Mr. Brownlow is only the beginning of a series of adventures that lead him to the promise of a better life. |
posted by ten @ 17.4.06 |
FisHY-FishiN |
Fishy-fishy, grab that delicious chiki... %#&^@%$##... |
posted by ten @ 17.4.06 |
The GIFT |
Saturday, April 15, 2006 |
I always wondering, what is that really mean to, to have a gift that maybe not everyone has it. lets figure it out, Gift- n. a thing given a natural talent the right to give. Gift(ed)- adj. endowed by nature.
For me, its kinda weird to have something that 'gifted'. at first, i was kinda scare to face the real world. Have u ever seen the TV series 'charmed'? i thought its quite overreacted, maybe they're blessed to have ability to see such a thing like 'outer world', which we really know nothin bout it. i felt like im gifted too. lets just say that i often get 'in touch' with outer world. Well, i really get used to it. trust me, it's scary...
What do u think bout psychic? r they really gifted? or they just learn bout it? How would they know our future? just by looking at ur hand? or they really 'gifted' to tell? Hmm, u can ask 'THE LORD OF THE WORLD', no matter how...
well, for the 'gifted' people out there, spill out ur opinion here, just to satisfied my coriousity.
posted by ten @ 15.4.06 |
LML, the to be continued person... *** |
Have u read my article bout m3n in my life? well, ini lanjutannya. LML itu singkatan dari nama cowok ini. he's my neighbour, ketemu 1 tahun sekali pas agustusan, gw maen batminton, dia juga sama. ceritanya agustusan 2005, gw ikut pertandingan batminton mewakili RT gw. waktu itu dia nyapa gw (dan gw selalu lupa namanya...) and we had a chat, he borrow me a book and we finally decide to go out. Ternyata anaknya enak u diajak ngobrol, sdkt over PD, but totally he's nice. Setelah hang out couple times, we finally decided to be a couple. he's younger than me, but hell, happiness is not count by the age, rite? (raise ur hand pal!) Not trying to compare, but he's like MRY to me. he always listen to what i've said. i always tell story bout my life and i dont know why i trusted him. all he has to do is listen and seems that he doesnt mind at all. he listen to me all the time, bout all thing, bout my family, my friend, and i love being heard. kl bisa dibilang, dia recycle bin nya cerita2 gw and i really like to be with him. Ngga selalu enak juga sih, pasti ada berantem kecil2, specialis ngangkat hal2 g penting. but more than that, i have a feeling for him. a strange feeling, no detail guys, but, there's something bout him that i really wanna b with.
well, lately, we had problem encountered, we always try to solve it, but seems its a very unsolved problem. you probably wondering bout us, r we still a couple or not. hmm, it's ur call, call us whatever u like, a couple, a lover, a friend, its all up to u. (hey, it can be a homework for all of u guys!) all im tryin to say here is this man really brighten up my life. he fulfill my freedom of life, he really open my mind bout 'love ur self out', he makes me to be wat i want to be. and u know wat this is all about? is all about freedom of life. I LOVE MY SELF NOW, more than ever... and this man fulfill my will, thank u LML, thank u for everything...
posted by ten @ 15.4.06 |
Light, Light ever Bright, Take me on your side... |
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 |
Light, light ever bright, Fill my every pore, Ever banish black of night, From my very own core, Light, light ever bright, You’re from up above, You quell my inner strenght, And fill me with great hope, Light, light ever bright, You bring me cheer and joy, My heart spills over with delight, Light, light ever bright, Take me to your second sight!
posted by ten @ 12.4.06 |
My Soundtrack of the month |
Wednesday evening and i'm still feeling blue, try to find an answer for the unsolved problem. i didnt know why i'm always stuck wit this kinda situation. Dont really know what u're goin to do next. While i'm writing, chris martin is in the air, just a perfect soundtrack for representing my feeling rite now and i thank u man, u just penetrate me wit your lyrics.
"Fix You"
When you try your best, but you don't succeed When you get what you want, but not what you need When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse
When the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can't replace When you love someone, but it goes to waste Could it be worse?
Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you
High up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go If you never try you'll never know Just what you're worth
Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you
Tears stream down your face When you lose something you cannot replace Tears stream down your face And I... Tears stream down on your face I promise you I will learn from the mistakes Tears stream down your face And I...
Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you
(to all the people out there who doesnt know where to lead on...)
posted by ten @ 12.4.06 |
Jeritan di Tengah malem... |
Ngga bisa tidur yg pasti... karena sekarang udah jam 2 pagi, sementara gw hrs siap2 jam 4 pagi ini buat ke kantor. gara2 tadi mati lampu 30 mnt, hampir aja pe-er gambar ngga selesai. Sebenernya mata udah sdkt tulalit seh, tp keukeuh masih pgn nulis di blog. Suasana di kamar gw agak ngga enak (secara ini jam 2 gituhh) Mo curhat dikit ah, kmrn dan hari ini gw lg ngga terlalu in da mood. lagi ngga terlalu bergairah u ngapa2in. Yang anehnya, gw lg ngga nafsu makan lately, bukan krn gw minum pil diet juga, tp lg ngga ada nafsu makan aja... aneh lah buat seorang gw... Hari ini ada latihan basket pula, tepar neeh kayanya gw besok... Yach we'll c lah, lagian menjelang liburan panjang, hmmm.... tempting.... Kemaren gw blue, in pain (no pain no gain - dont gain if u dont wanna be in pain!), hari ini gw mo cuex, like i used to be. ngga may mikirin yg berat2 kecuali kerjaan. well, time for 2 hours sleep, maklum singkat, hanya jeritan di tengah malam... |
posted by ten @ 12.4.06 |
Blue, My world so blue... |
Tuesday, April 11, 2006 |
Selasa pagi yang cerah, setelah libur panjang selama 3 hari, gw menyantap bubur sambil liat2 email yg masuk pagi ini. Setelah nge-cek email yg berjibun, gw pgn buka blogger gw dan ngga sengaja gw liat blog cowok ini. Dengan maksud iseng, gw liat blognya yg isinya hny 1 photo album dan comment buku yg jelas gw ngga ngerti dech. Trus secara ngga sengaja juga, gw liat ada foto yg gw kenal di blognya itu, (red: mantan dia..) Ngga tau kenapa, tiba2 bubur yg gw baru makan 2 sendok terasa ngga menggairahkan lagi... Jujur, sebenernya gw ngga bermasalah ma cewek ini, tp bbrp bulan ini, issue tentang cewek ini mencuat lagi ke permukaan. I just still got the feeling that he never ever forget this girl. secara mereka pacaran cukup lama dan dalem (catet...) Mungkin kalo sekilas elo baca, i bet u'll say that i'm jealous. sorry, bukan gw sombong, but, gw termasuk cw yg paling cuex buat hal2 ky gini. Let just say, cewek ini bbrp kali menjadi main problem gw ma cowok ini... dan mulai bikin gw gerah... No need details ya guys, tp gw rasa elo bisa bikin kesimpulan kl mmg ada apa2 antara gw dan cowok ini. Jujur? yes in deed. feeling gw main koq. buktinya gw udah bisa merasakan kl dia kenapa2 (hey, it's a gift, kl elo deket ma gw dan gw merasa elo berarti buat gw, i just can feel u!) Jadi jujur ya, gw gerah dan males dech denger nama ato liat fotonya... hey man, maybe she the one for you, i don't c that it's goin to be a hard thing to do... Segitu aja dech curhat di hari ini, hanya berawal dari 2 suap bubur di pagi hari... |
posted by ten @ 11.4.06 |
Try to believe it... |
Sunday, April 09, 2006 |
Do believe the sun will always rise in the east? I do believe, but not 100%, i believe that there'll be some other time everything will go upside down. Gw percaya banget kiamat itu akan datang, kl boleh jujur, gw belom siap untuk menghadapinya, let just say, gw ngga takut mati, tapi gw takut azab akan datang ke gw untuk membalas semua dosa2 gw. i really lived in a bloody hell world. Dunia udah bener2 menggila, just imagine this world rite about now... Berat banget ya yg gw pikirin hr ini... MAN!!! |
posted by ten @ 9.4.06 |
o mně |
Name: ten
Home: rainy-city, Java, Indonesia
About Me: obyčejná žena s vyjímečným chováním
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