Have u read my article bout m3n in my life? well, ini lanjutannya. LML itu singkatan dari nama cowok ini. he's my neighbour, ketemu 1 tahun sekali pas agustusan, gw maen batminton, dia juga sama. ceritanya agustusan 2005, gw ikut pertandingan batminton mewakili RT gw. waktu itu dia nyapa gw (dan gw selalu lupa namanya...) and we had a chat, he borrow me a book and we finally decide to go out. Ternyata anaknya enak u diajak ngobrol, sdkt over PD, but totally he's nice. Setelah hang out couple times, we finally decided to be a couple. he's younger than me, but hell, happiness is not count by the age, rite? (raise ur hand pal!) Not trying to compare, but he's like MRY to me. he always listen to what i've said. i always tell story bout my life and i dont know why i trusted him. all he has to do is listen and seems that he doesnt mind at all. he listen to me all the time, bout all thing, bout my family, my friend, and i love being heard. kl bisa dibilang, dia recycle bin nya cerita2 gw and i really like to be with him. Ngga selalu enak juga sih, pasti ada berantem kecil2, specialis ngangkat hal2 g penting. but more than that, i have a feeling for him. a strange feeling, no detail guys, but, there's something bout him that i really wanna b with.
well, lately, we had problem encountered, we always try to solve it, but seems its a very unsolved problem. you probably wondering bout us, r we still a couple or not. hmm, it's ur call, call us whatever u like, a couple, a lover, a friend, its all up to u. (hey, it can be a homework for all of u guys!) all im tryin to say here is this man really brighten up my life. he fulfill my freedom of life, he really open my mind bout 'love ur self out', he makes me to be wat i want to be. and u know wat this is all about? is all about freedom of life. I LOVE MY SELF NOW, more than ever... and this man fulfill my will, thank u LML, thank u for everything...