puke-a-phobia |
Thursday, November 16, 2006 |
Puke-a-phobia Puke [pyuwk] :throws up. Phobia [‘foubi∂] noun: an intense fear or hatred of something.
There’s several things in this world become our biggest fear and everybody says it’s a phobia. Scared of something such as: height, dark, small room, etc.
It sounds strange, but I really afraid of p-u-k-e. You named it! I afraid if i'm going to puke or saw a kind of puke. Euwwyyyyy… [paris mode on.]
I really can’t stand of it. As long as I live, I can count it with my own fingers. Let’s flashback my biggest fear from the day that I live:
1st - When I was six years old and I had sum kind of measles.
2nd - When I was in high school and i had 'hepatitis'.
3rd - When my blood pressure drops and in unconsciously hit the wall, Result? Light Concussion!!!
4th - When I ate ‘mie ayam yono’ I found a very remarkable hairy and pores chicken [a.k.a r-a-t] SCORES!!!!
5th - Just yesterday, I had migraine, suddenly I feel sick and I throw up twice. Exhausting…
SEE? I only puke 5 times in 28 years I lived!
How bout yours? What’s your biggest fear? I want to hear from you!
------------------------------------------------------------- Unbelieveable, 2 hari kemaren gw tidur dari jam 8 malem ampe jam 7 pagi. SCORE WOMAN! do you know how's that happened? for sure, the sleeping pils that doctor gave me.
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posted by ten @ 16.11.06 |
hwehehehe... postingan jorok niiihh!! gw termasuk yg paling jaraaaaaaaangggg banget muntah. klo gak sakit parah en sampe msk rmh sakit biasanya sih kga bakal muntah.
tp muntah itu bagus untuk kesehatan loh. biasanya, abis muntah kan lendir/cairan asem dalem perut keluar tuh (yg maag biasanya tau deh rasa, warna dan baunya yang ciamik itu), nah abis itu minum teh manis panas dan rasanya PLLOOONGGG!!! langsung bisa nyantap makanan apapun (standar menu org sakit sih: bubur/nasi tim/sup ayam, hehehe)
nikmati sajalah permuntahan itu.. bukan??
Erika.. It's all about puke a phobia?
dari gw kecil sampe sekarang sih kayaknya gw nga punya sesuatu yang gw sebut puke a phobia dech.... [SOK KUAT mode on] hee..hee..
Tikus...kayaknya gw phobia sama tikus dech (bahkan tikus putih untuk percobaan di lab)kayaknya cuma itu aja..nga tau itu katagori nya sekedar jijik atau phobia :D
gw paling takut kedalaman laut...gw jago berenang [NARSIS mode on.]tapi kalo harus di lepas di tengah laut bebas sendirian kayak buku "life of pi" yang kedalaman nya gw nga tau, bisa-bisa gw pucat pasi atau pingsan barangkali :D
dulu sih... MOTOR xp bukan phobia sih, cuman takut aja. sekarang??? dah gak takut lagi duooongg. walau masih degdeg-an klo dibonceng ^_^V
klo irreasonable fear a.k.a. phobia, ape yee? biarpun ga bs berenang, tp suka laut kok (kan pake pelampung, hehe) phobia binatang buas kali yee? haiyaaahhh itu mah pasti kali!
oooiya... satu hal yg diphobiain: expecto-phobia (phobia ekspektasi) hahaha!!!
Puke?? Lemme thin' Uumm If I'm not mistaken I have done some s**k things around 10-15 times in a whole my lifetime. Opposite to you Mba, If I got fever and feel so queasy, I'd better spill it out. Puke makes my fevered body feeling better and seems plenty of poisonous things in my stomach has been exhaled,so my body become clean and healthy again.
About my biggest fear? BEING CHASED BY A MADMAN/WOMAN.. Amit..amit :(
Hari ini tanggal 24 November 2006
gw puke lagi, pagi2... huihhhh... ngga tau masuk angin, ngga tau kecapean ato yg lebih parah lagi. hamil? hahaha...
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