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nemluvim cesky (means: i can't speak czech)
Friday, June 30, 2006

Never under estimate a thing!

That's one thing that i always make sure of my self. Suddenly i have a thought after i watched a soccer game between czech republic and ghana. (what a coincident, Czech republic got to go home) They're my favorite team and i just have to deal it.

One thing that i remember from czech republic is Prague.
A city to live in!!!!!

(Prague's magical Old Town, pictured above, makes for wonderful walks. The tower on the left has the astrological clock facing right. It is there that thousands gather every day just to see the movements when it hits the hour).

It is a city of 'one hundred spires'. It was spared the ravages of war and therefore looks like the cities of 'Old Europe."

Some of its buildings go back to the 10th century. But it doesn't feel like an old city. Prague is new in its spirit, but old only in its design. Prague is where the future is. It was recently listed as the most popular place to visit in Europe.
Prague is 'now' and is like walking into a jewelry shop. It is a place where one is transformed by time. Prague is what dreams are made of.

Where else can you visit the ruins of an 11th century ghetto? Where else can you see a dancing building? Designed by Frank O. Gehry, this amazing structure is a reminder of the dancers Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. He is represented by a stone tower and she by a glass tower, flared skirt and all. Built in the 1990s, this building represents the new, the forward looking tomorrow that is Prague.But it's not the castle or the great square or even the astrological clock that gives Prague its distinctive tone. (i even dont want to miss a moment to take a picture there - with my old pocket camera - u can see the difference at the tone colors - hehehehe....)

(One of Prague's distinctive landmarks is its 15th century Orloj, or astronomical clock, beside, on the southern facade of The Old Town Hall. On the hour, twelve apostles emerge and the skeleton of death tolls the bell with one hand while holding an hourglass in the other. It has many other figures, like a vain man admiring himself in the mirror. The clock shows hours, days and equinoxes plus phases of the moon).

Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic, a city that i never ever forget.

Can't hardly wait to get back soon!

Curious? Visit prague at czecot.com


Membayangkan rasanya berada di sana lagi. Mampir ke kedai teh kuno yg suasananya enak bgt untuk pacaran, mencicipi sandwich buatan neneknya iva (miss them so much) atau bermain ski di brno (dan lupa motret krn kameranya ketinggalan). miss all the memories when i travelled alone.

posted by ten @ 30.6.06  
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